Jan Dědič’s Interview for Hospodářské noviny05/05/14 / News
Professor Jan Dědič, a KŠB partner and expert lawyer involved in the re-enactment of Czech private law, explains how he feels about a number issues introduced by the new Corporations Act. More
New commentary released with contributions by KŠB attorneys06/01/14 / News
C. H. Beck has published the first part of commentary on the new Civil Code. With contributions from KŠB attorneys Vlastimil Pihera and Jan Lasák. More
Tomáš Sequens on Energy Performance Certificates in Hospodářské noviny06/05/13 / News
In a recent interview for business-focused daily Hospodářské noviny, KŠB Lawyer Tomáš Sequens talked about the current situation regarding energy performance certificates (EPCs). More
Martin Šolc for Lidové noviny about the “Better Devil”28/02/13 / Publications
KŠB Partner Martin Šolc explains in Lidové noviny’s regular supplement “Právo & Justice” why it would be a shame to postpone the recodification of Czech private law, which is due to take force and effect in 2014. More
Martin Šolc Interviewed in Ekonom11/12/12 / Publications
Martin Šolc, one of KŠB’s founding partners, describes his vision as the incoming Secretary-General of the International Bar Association (IBA) in Ekonom No. 46/2012. Martin, who will be the first-ever Secretary-General from Central & Eastern Europe, will assume the office in January 2013. More
KŠB lawyers comment on public procurement changes in Hospodářské noviny16/04/12 / News
The grand amendment to the Public Contracts Act, which substantially modifies requirements for both contracting authorities and bidders, came into effect on 1 April 2012.
Outlining the impact of the amendment, KŠB lawyers Martina Parusová Zímová and Jiří Horník provided commentary in the April 16 issue of Hospodářské noviny’s “Business” supplement. More
Professor Dědič for Právo & Byznys: I would make laws simpler28/03/12 / Publications
The March issue of Právo & Byznys features a profile on the rich professional life and career of professor Jan Dědič, a KŠB partner. One of the most experienced Czech experts in commercial law, who also celebrated a birthday at the beginning of this year, professor Dědič reflected on many issues, including the quality of Czech laws. According to him, Czech laws largely suffer from frequent and rash amendments. More
What would happen if the Eurozone falls? Jiří Horník provides answers to Lidové noviny26/03/12 / Publications
In the latest Law & Justice supplement to Lidové noviny, KŠB attorney Jiří Horník contemplates how the much-feared Eurozone breakup could affect parties to contracts in euros. More
The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review, Second Edition22/02/12 / Publications
Drahomír Tomašuk, KSB’s specialist in the field of electronic communications, IT and personal data protection, recently authored a contribution for the international publication The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review, Second Edition, in which he summarizes the current state of the Czech telecommunications market. More
Amendment to the Mergers Act as seen by KŠB’s Managing Partner Dagmar Dubecká06/01/12 / Publications
Weekly magazine Ekonom recently mapped out what high profile Czech lawyers think about the hot legislative issues for 2012. Dagmar Dubecká, KŠB’s managing partner, gave her take on the amendment to the Mergers Act, which starting in 2012 aims to make transactions easier and cheaper for corporations and cooperatives by, among other things, allowing the decisive date of a merger to be set either retroactively or in the future. Prior to the amendment, this was not possible. More
“Carlsbad Lottery” 2.011/11/11 / Publications
On 7 October 2011 Lidové noviny’s Law & Justice section featured the reflections of Martina Parusová Zímová and Christian Blatchford on the drawing of lots and whether such a practice is a legitimate way to reduce the number of bidders in public tenders. These two KSB lawyers do not consider the method transparent and non-discriminatory and believe it should therefore be removed from the Public Contracts Act. More
Professor Dědič in Hospodářské noviny: Recodification facilitates the company formation process and simplifies making changes in the Commercial Register08/11/11 / News
In connection with the recodification of the civil and commercial law, significant changes are expected concerning the formation of commercial companies or cooperatives and the process of making changes in the Commercial Register. Notaries would newly be allowed to make entries into the Commercial Register (after preparing a public deed), and it would no longer be necessary to file applications for entries into the Commercial Register at a court, which could save entrepreneurs both time and money. More
Martin Šolc for Hospodářské noviny’s Leaders Voice column: Combating corruption? We seem to like doing things our way07/09/11 / Publications
Martin Šolc, a partner at KSB, recently published his reflections on the highly publicized but rather unsuccessful fight against corruption in Hospodářské noviny’s Leaders Voice column on 2 September 2011. More
Jiří Horník on Aviation Law in Hospodářské noviny01/08/11 / News
Czech newspaper Hospodářské noviny featured an interview with Jiří Horník, KSB’s aviation law expert, focused on air passenger rights. More
Martin Šolc in Hospodářské noviny’s Leaders Voice: Totalitarian Sins In Today’s Law27/07/11 / Publications
Czech newspaper Hospodářské noviny featured an article by Martin Šolc’s in its “Leaders Voice” column on 22 July 2011. In the article Martin reflects on Czech attitudes to law. Shouldn’t we be aware of the principles on which laws are based rather than yearning for more and more regulations to cover every eventuality? And does everyone sufficiently respect the law? More
Getting the Deal Through – Gas Regulation 201130/06/11 / Publications
Václav Rovenský and Tomáš Sequens prepared a chapter focused on the Czech Republic for the international publication Getting the Deal Through – Gas Regulation, 2011 edition; the chapter summarizes legal regulations and conditions for business activities on the gas market in the Czech Republic. The publication was issued by the London based market analysis company Law Business Research Ltd. More
Petr Kasík and Vlastimil Pihera comment on Constitutional Court’s ruling on squeeze-outs in Lidové noviny26/05/11 / Publications
KSB partner Petr Kasík and KSB attorney Vlastimil Pihera published a brief commentary in the section Law & Justice of Lidové noviny on the award of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court dated March 2011 regarding the legal regulation of squeeze-outs. More
Helena Navrátilová appears as a guest at Czech TV ČT24 Studio24/05/11 / News
Tax advisor and head of KSB’s tax department Helena Navrátilová appeared as a guest on Czech television ČT24’s program Studio ČT24. The topic was the press conference by the Ministry of Finance focused on tax evasions and other measures presented by Minister M. Kalousek and CEO J. Knížek. More
IFLR M&A Guide 201116/05/11 / Publications
In the international publication IFLR M&A Guide 2011, Dagmar Dubecká, Martin Kubík, and Christian Blatchford describe the current situation on the mergers and acquisitions market in the Czech Republic, including the legal regulation of individual types of M&A transactions and aspects of competition law. More
Agreement facilitates many things. Euro No. 16/201127/04/11 / Publications
KSB tax advisor Dalibor Bucek wrote an article on taxation of foreign income of legal entities for the weekly Euro. He addressed the decisive criteria to determine which country a company’s income is to be taxed in, how to settle an incorrectly withheld tax in a foreign country and how to take all these aspects into consideration when preparing a tax return. The whole article can be downloaded here (in Czech only)