Advice to Jet Investment Group on Acquiring Likov
KSB's team led by Jan Lasák and Ján Béreš recently advised Jet Investment on expanding its investment portfolio. Jet Investment’s Jet 3 Qualified Investor Fund acquired a 70% stake in Likov, a successful Czech family-owned leading manufacturer of building profiles for external building insulation systems.

Since its inception in 1997, Jet Investment has focused on investing in majority stakes in industrial companies in Central Europe, particularly in the energy, engineering, advanced materials, rail, petrochemical, chemical and gas sectors.
The Jet 3 Qualified Investor Fund plans to acquire industrial companies in the energy, engineering and advanced materials segments over the next few years and to assist in their development and growth, while striving to take into account ESG principles.
Our assistance mainly included advising on due diligence and negotiating the transaction documentation.
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