
8th Annual Summer School of Commercial Law Recently Held

In cooperation with Masaryk University, KSB participated in the 8th Annual Summer School of Commercial Law. The summer school is attended by law school students not only from Masaryk University, but also from Palacký University and Charles University. The week-long event includes lectures by speakers from the Czech Bar, as well as from the judiciary and the academic environments, providing students with an exceptional opportunity to gain insight into various areas of the legal world. 

On behalf of KSB, this year's lecturers were Vlastimil Pihera and Jana Guričová, who introduced the students to the key points of negotiating transactional contracts and gave them a mock negotiation. In addition, Ota Mach and Jan Lasák lectured on the art of legal drafting and held a workshop on editing a draft contract. As always, we were delighted by the keen intelligence and interest of the participants, who devoted their time even during their holidays. We thank Masaryk University for the opportunity to meet talented law students in this format and look forward to next year's event.

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