Jan Lasák partner
Jan Lasák is a partner of KŠB. In his practice, he focuses primarily on company law, including group law, mergers and acquisitions, and contract law. Jan Lasák is active in the academic sphere, lectures to the professional public and regularly publishes in the professional press, especially on the topic of business corporations and corporate law.
‘Jan Lasák, one of the partners, is well known among Czech lawyers for his deep erudition presented in legal books and during educational events (he’s a lecturer at public seminars for lawyers).’
‘Jan Lasák is a very proficient lawyer and professional, friendly, always ready to answer my phone calls and help when I seek immediate professional legal advice, which I get from him in 100% of cases.’
‘Jan Lasák and team are hands-on, smooth cooperation’
‘Jan Lasák; fast thinker, gets the deal done’
LEGAL 500 2022
- Company law, including corporate group law
- Mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, private equity, restructuring
Recent work
Advising J&T ARCH INVESTMENTS on Acquisition of Shares in Moneta Money Bank.
Long-term corporate advice (including advice on group relations) to ČEZ Group, Skanska, Komerční banka and J&T.
Advising Rockaway Capital SE on the acquisition of EUROMEDIA GROUP, Knižní Klub Management, Neoluxor, Neopalladium, Neoluxor books and Central European books.
Advising ČEZ on the divestment of a 48 % stake in Osvětlení a energetické systémy.
Advising Intefi Group on acquisitions of many IT companies and on the subsequent intra-group restructuring.
Advising ČEZ, Komerční banka, CETIN, Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace, AGPI and other companies on managing their general meetings.
Advising the Asental Group on cross-border intra-group restructuring.
Advocate since 2012.
- Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno (Mgr. - 2008, JUDr. - 2010, Ph.D.- 2015, doc. - 2024)
- Columbia Law School (LL.M. - 2010), Lawrence A. Wien Fellow
- Faculty of Social studies, Masaryk University in Brno (Bc. - 2007)
- Central European University, (Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies of EU and WTO Law - 2007)
- Czech Bar Association
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Private Law and Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc (teaching corporate law)
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University.
- POKORNÁ, J., LASÁK, J., KOTÁSEK, J. Obchodní společnosti a družstva. 2. Edition [English: Handelsgesellschaften Business companies and cooperatives.] Praha: C. H. Beck, 2022.
- LASÁK, J., DĚDIČ, J., POKORNÁ, J., ČÁP, Z. a kolektiv Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář. [English: Business Corporations Act. Commentary. ] 2. Edition. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. The publication was awarded as the most beneficial legal publication of the year at the 29th Annual Karlovy Vary Law Days.
- LASÁK, J., POKORNÁ, J., ČÁP, Z., DOLEŽIL, T. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář. I. a II. díl. [English: Business Corporations Act. Commentary. I. and II. part.] 1. Edition. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2014.
- Jan DĚDIČ, Jana GURIČOVÁ, Josef KŘÍŽ, Jan LASÁK, Jakub POROD: Zákon o státním podniku. Komentář. [English: Stateowned Enterprise Act. Comment.] 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2018, p. 228, ISBN: 978-80-7598-084-7
- LASÁK, Jan - HAVEL, Bohumil. Kompendium korporačního práva. [English: Compendium of corporate law.] Praha: C.H.Beck, 2011, 237 pages. ISBN 978-80-7400-018-8. Becks interdisciplinary textbooks