Financial services
Capital markets

Advice on Billion-Crown Refinancing of FIDUROCK Group

KSB's team of Josef Kříž and Vlastimil Pihera provided extensive legal advice on the refinancing of the FIDUROCK Group, where the value of the financing obtained can reach up to CZK 1 billion.

FIDUROCK Group is engaged in developing, acquiring and operating retail parks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Group has been building up a portfolio of retail parks and development projects whose total property value exceeds CZK 3.1 billion. To date, its portfolio includes 11 retail parks with a leasable area of over 115,000 sqm, which it owns and leases out. Two other projects are currently underway. To manage its real estate portfolio, FIDUROCK hires major international real estate companies and experienced consultants, which helps to increase the value of the projects it acquires. In addition to real estate, FIDUROCK operates the unique VOIX audio & cinema showroom in the centre of Prague and the long-established Zlati Grič winery located in Slovenia's award-winning wine region.

The refinancing was carried out in close cooperation with J&T Bank, which provides, among other things, a listing on the Prague Stock Exchange. In addition to refinancing the existing financing, the funds raised will be used to acquire new projects that meet the Group's strict criteria.

For more information, click here.

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