Petr Kasík partner, shareholder (s.r.o.)

Petr Kasík is a partner of KŠB. He has extensive experience in the field of corporate and group law and restructuring, as well as in the field of business obligations and focuses on one-off unique projects. He also specializes on banking and public regulation of financial institutions.

Petr is the chairman of III. Chamber of the Czech National Bank’s Appeals Committee. He is also active in the legislative sphere, especially as a member of the Public Law Commission of the Government Legislative Council.

The banking, finance and capital markets team at Kocián Šolc Balaštík has expertise in domestic and international transactional work, as well as financial regulation for retail and wholesale banking institutions, digital financial service products, and establishment of regulated firms. The team often works on ground-breaking matters and policy creation, and has worked closely with the National Development Bank of the Czech Republic for many years now. In the capital markets space, the team advises issuers, shareholders, and leading domestic and foreign investment banks on the whole spectrum of capital markets and securities work. Martin Krejčí, Vlastimil Pihera, and Petr Kasík form the leadership trio.

LEGAL 500 2023


Recent work

Advising on the demerger of O2 Czech Republic, whereunder O2 was preserved and new company Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s. ("CETIN") was established. The spin-off process was unique because, inter alia, it involved a company with a large and non-unified shareholder structure whose shares are listed on the public market. The advice also included the full arrangement and implementation of the general meeting and subsequent steps (including the buy-back of shares in the successor company).

Advising on the squeeze-out of CETIN’s minority shareholders. The legal advice was unique for several reasons: it was one of the first squeeze-outs after the Business Corporations Act came into force, and CETIN was a company with tens of thousands of shareholders and involved complex arrangements for the general meeting to be held.

Advice on providing financial assistance in relation to the acquisition of shares in O2 Czech Republic by PPF Arena 2 B.V. The financial assistance was also provided by CETIN as the successor company of O2. The total amount of the financial assistance was CZK 32 billion. The transaction was the largest known case of financial assistance of this size in the Czech Republic, the first significant case after the re-enactment of Czech private law, and included complex arrangements for the general meeting to be held.

Long-term corporate advice (including specific issues) to CEZ, arranging and organizing general meetings, assistance with solving related issues.

Advising the Czech National Bank in connection with the CNB's role in resolving the forced administration of IPB and the subsequent acquisition of IPB by the Czechoslovak Commercial Bank. Resolving issues relating to guarantees and compensation for the failed IPB business acquired by CSOB.

Advice on CNB’s role in connection with the forced administration of Agrobank, resolving certain relationships resulting from the sale of part of AGB’s business between shareholders, AGB and GE Group (the so-called “settlement”). Representing CNB in several disputes with AGB’s shareholders who were claiming damages as a result of alleged maladministration by CNB in connection with the declaration of receivership and the subsequent sale of part of AGB’s business.

Advising the Chartered City of Plzeň in connection with holding a local referendum and the resulting disputes and in connection with developing the Jízdecká Theatre.

Legal services to a pool of reinsurers in connection with the settlement of an insurance claim resulting from an explosion and subsequent fire at an ethylene unit operated by UNIPETROL a.s. in Záluží u Mostu. Assessment of various aspects of the performance of the insured’s obligations in relation to ensuring occupational safety, compliance with environmental regulations, and also the compliance of the operated equipment with the requirements of technical regulations and standards, and the manner of its repair and recommissioning.


Advocate since 1996.


  • Petr is a recommended lawyer in the field of corporate law (Legal500) and banking and capital markets (Legal 500IFLR1000, Who's Who Legal).


  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (Mgr. - 1993, PhD. – 1999,  JUDr. - 2000)


  • Czech Bar Association
  • Chairman of the III Chamber of the Czech National Bank’s Appeals Committee
  • Public Law Commission of the Government Legislative Council
Petr Kasík


  • English
  • Russian (passive)


  • Head Office Prague



  • Directors’ Liability and Indemnification. A Global Guide, Third Edition, Globe Law and Business, 2016; kapitola za ČR (co-author)
  • Občanský zákoník VI. Závazkové právo. Zvláštní část (§ 2055-3014). Komentář. 1. Vydání. Praha : C.H. Beck, 2014; Hulmák M. a kol. (co-author)
  • Přeměny obchodních společností a družstev pro podnikatelskou praxi. BOVA POLYGON, Praha 2012; Prof. JUDr. Jan Dědič a kol. (co-author)
  • Directors’ Liability and Indemnification. A Global Guide, Second Edition, Globe Law and Business, 2010; Czech Republic Chapter (co-author)
  • Gerven (edit.), Prospectus for the Public Offering of Securities in Europe. Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 2008; Czech Republic Chapter (co-author)
  • Gerven (edit.), Common Legal Framework for Takeover Bids in Europe. Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 2008; Czech Republic Chapter (co-author)
  • A number of articles in professional periodicals, in particular: Právo a podnikání, Obchodněprávní revue, Ekonom, Právní rozhledy