Corporate law

Advising on Squeeze-Out of O2 Czech Republic’s Minority Shareholders

KSB's team (Petr Kasík, Martin Kubík, Josef Kříž and Filip Řehák) advised PPF Group on the approximately year-long squeeze-out of O2 Czech Republic’s minority shareholders.

KSB advised PPF on all major steps in the squeeze-out process, which involved the exit of one of the largest Czech listed companies from the public stock markets. The transaction was also unique because the decision-making of O2’s general meeting (with several thousand shareholders) took the form of per rollam voting as a result of the Covid pandemic restrictions.

The squeeze-out followed KSB’s long-standing advice on O2’s corporate affairs, including participation in the overall corporate restructuring of the telecommunications operator within the PPF Group, which also involved a spin-off (and subsequent squeeze-out) of the telecommunications network operator CETIN in 2015.

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