
KSB Succeeds Among Czech Business Leaders

KSB made a mark in its first year of participating in the Czech Leaders Awards and took second place in the Capital City of Prague. “We are extremely grateful to have achieved such success, especially in the current complicated times,” said Jiří Horník, who attended the award ceremony on KSB’s behalf.

Among the finalists of this year's competition were 118 companies, which were shortlisted from 1529 Czech companies with the best economic results. The competition is open to companies whose owners have a permanent residence in the Czech Republic, whose ultimate owner can be traced, and which have been operating on the market for at least four years. Only medium and large companies with a turnover of over CZK 200 million per year can apply.

Another requirement for a company to participate is that it must have duly submitted its financial statements and must not be engaged in providing services of a financial nature. Participating businesses are evaluated on the basis of the Cribis Index rating of the CRIF – the Czech Credit Bureau – which is the competition’s expert guarantor.

Detailed information on the competition is available here (only in Czech).

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