“Antivirus Programme” – Category A and B extended and Category C accepted - UPDATE June 2020
Category A and B have now been extended until the end of August 2020 and the government has approved a new form of support – Category C!
Waiver of social security contributions - Category C of the "Antivirus" program – June 2020
On 16 June 2020, the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, after being returned by the Senate, approved a law from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ("MLSA") containing another form of targeted support for some smaller employers trying to maintain employment despite the difficult situation. This takes the form of a waiver of social security contributions for employees in employment for the period from June to August 2020. The law was approved in the original version of the government proposal, the Senate's amendments were not adopted. The Act was signed by the President of the Republic on 19 June 2020 and is now awaiting publication in the Collection of Laws.
“Antivirus Programme” – an instrument of financial assistance for employers UPDATE03
Category B has been extended until the end of August 2020 and the government has approved a new form of support – Category C!
Advised support for selected members and executives of certain limited liability companies (s.r.o.) and other support for employers
After its meeting on Monday, April 27, the government announced that, in addition to the self-employed, it also intends to support shareholder/members and executives of some limited liability companies. It also announced the approval of its intention to defer employers' payment of social security contributions for employees and the extension of the Antivirus programme.
„Antivirus Programme“ – an instrument of financial assistance for employers UPDATE01
Are you considering how to maintain employment of your employees and minimize economic losses? Take a look at what financial instruments the state has prepared for entrepreneurs whose employees have been affected, directly or indirectly, by government measures taken to combat coronavirus.
Obligation of employer to protect employees from coronavirus
Pursuant to Section 106 (1) of the Labour Code, an employee has the right be assured of occupational health and safety protection at work (hereinafter referred to as "OHS"), even during a pandemic.
Impact of the Government measures on employment relations
The current situation has a considerable impact on employment relations. What should employers know in this regard to be best equipped for this challenging situation?