The reliable production and distribution of energy is essential for the functioning of all industries – from the primary sector (mining and extraction of raw materials) to the secondary sector (processing) to the tertiary sector (services, research, culture and other areas). KŠB provides specialized advisory services in the energy sector to domestic and foreign investors, operators of energy facilities and public institutions, always based on an understanding of the intended projects and their commercial aspects. Our legal services take into account the constant developments in the Czech and European energy market, as well as legislative changes in the various sectors, while emphasizing the technical and environmental aspects. KŠB draws on more than twenty years of experience of its team, which dates back to 1995.

- Construction and operation of energy facilities, including BESS and power balance services(PBS) facilities
- Production, trading and distribution of energy (including heat and gas)
- Renewable and secondary energy sources (RES/SES)
- Flexibility aggregation
- Community energy
- Regulatory aspects of doing business in the energy sectors, including legalservices in the field of energy price regulation
- Preparing energy contracting agenda, including supply contracts (including PPAs)
- Ensuring environmental compliance with requirements for the construction andoperation of energy projects (JES, EIA, IPPC, stationary source permits, etc.)
- Representing clients in administrative proceedings conducted by the Energy Regulatory Authority, State Energy Inspectorate and the Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Representing clients in court proceedings concerning business in the energy sector
Team and main contacts
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Our clients include
Asental Land • Bioenergo-Komplex • Carthamus • ČEZ • ENERGO-PRO • Energo Holding • Energy Ústí nad Labem • Gas Net • Gas Storage CZ • Green Gas DPB • Lovochemie • Mostek Energo • Pražská plynárenská • PRE • Smart Energies Group • Solar Park Hřibiny • Synthesia • Teplárna České Budějovice • Teplárna Kladno • Teplárna Loučovice • Verdi Capital • Wotan Forest
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