Insolvency and reorganization

  • Legal (or tax) audits of companies in financial difficulties (pre-insolvency audit)
  • Preparation and negotiation of contractual documentation on temporary adjustment of the ratio of the contracting parties (so-called stand-still documentation)
  • Consulting and design of suitable solutions to pre-bankruptcy situations
  • Advice on the liability of statutory bodies of companies in financial difficulties
  • Advice on the appropriate way of resolving an insolvency situation, including the preparation of an insolvency petition and representation in the relevant proceedings
  • Preparation of a proposal for debt relief or reorganization permit, including the preparation of related documentation (thus also a reorganization plan)
  • Preparation and representation for the approval of the moratorium
  • Preparation and negotiation of documentation within the so-called credit financing of the enterprise, which is part of the property assets, as well as documentation regarding the sale of assets from the property
  • Representation of creditors in creditors 'committees and at creditors' meetings Representation in incidental disputes

Main contact (s) for this specialization


J&T BankaPIPER AIRCRAFT AKTOR ANONYMI TECHNIKI ETAIREIA LovochemieSlot GroupPACCAR Financial CZAlpiq GenerationAPCS Power Cleaning and SettlementAsental LandMoravská stavební – INVESTVGP Bauer Nike HockeyČKD HoldingČSOB Pojišťovna Ekoinvest Garanční fond obchodníků s cennými papíry General Bottlers ČRPINELLIŠkoda Ostrov
Insolvency and reorganization