Competition, Unfair competition


  • Advice on competition law, including the assessment of various trade agreements and their compliance with competition rules
  • Representation in administrative proceedings before antitrust authorities (Office of Economic Competition, European Commission), including representation in merger approval proceedings in transactions of clients with significant market share, representation in dominant position proceedings and potentially anti-competitive agreements, including leniency applications or settlement
  • Representation in court proceedings before administrative courts in the review of administrative decisions issued in the field of competition
  • Representation before civil courts in the event of private law claims for breach of competition rules, in particular in disputes concerning damages for distortion of competition by cartel conduct or abuse of dominance

Unfair competition

  • Comprehensive legal advice in the field of unfair competition (including matters of comparative and misleading advertising, domain names, use of business names, protection of trade secrets, parasitic competition, belittling and legitimate defense, creating a risk of confusion, misleading labeling, etc.)
  • Representation in proceedings concerning unfair competition disputes, including proceedings for interim measures

Regulation of significant market power

  • Advice on the regulation of significant market power in retail sales, including the assessment of various business agreements and arrangements and their compliance with the rules of regulation of significant market power
  • Preparation of documents for administrative proceedings or representation in administrative proceedings before the Office in the field of investigation of compliance with the rules within the regulation of significant market power in retail sales

Main contact (s) for this specialization


AGROFERTBank Austria Creditanstalt Czech RepublicČeská spořitelnaČSOBČSOB LeasingO2 Czech RepublicMattoni 1876Komerční bankaOKDREMA SystémRWE AG/RWE TransgasSchneider ElectricSeveročeská plynárenskáSeveromoravská plynárenskáStavební spořitelna České spořitelnyStředočeská plynárenskáToyota Motor CzechUNITED BAKERIESPenamLEO ExpressAsianaSkanskaSIAD CzechFerrero ČeskáKoninklijke Philips ElectronicsReckitt Benckiser Czech RepublicSmileCar / Mobility Lab / Hoppy GoCzech Media InvestRockaway Capital SE
Competition, Unfair competition