KŠB Attorney Vlastimil Pihera To Give Lecture At Trusts Symposium16/10/14 / News
The Centre for Comparative Law at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague will hold a symposium on trusts, a re-established asset management tool which, thanks to the new Civil Code, has been re-introduced to Czech law after a very long hiatus. The symposium will take place on 7 November at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
The symposium will focus on several topics related to trusts, such as ownership and legal personality, administrator’s rights and obligations, trusts in international private law, and management and protection of third parties, the latter of which will be the focus of Vlastimil Pihera’s lecture.
The Centre’s mission is to compare the basic institutions in different legal systems in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of legislation and to use their findings to prepare Czech legislation and apply it in legal practice. The Centre focuses on private and European law.