Josef Kříž

Josef Kříž is a lawyer at KŠB. In his practice, he focuses primarily on banking, securities and capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, company law, including group law, and contract law.


Recent work

Advising J&T Banka on the acquisition of a company that owned the building in which the bank currently has its headquarters (Rustonka II building).

Advice on the sale of Profimedia to ČTK.

Advising J&T Banka on project financing regarding the development of a hotel facility in a foreign country.

Advising J&T Banka on project financing regarding the development of an apartment hotel in downtown Prague by Julius Meinl Living.

Advising J&T Banka and Capital Markets, as the arranger, on the issuance of several retail and wholesale bonds.

Advising Solitea on an intra-group merger of over 10 companies.

Advising J&T WINE Holding on the acquisition of two Moravian wineries.

Advising Intefi on the acquisition of software companies.

Advising the J&T Group on the acquisition of a 50% stake in two real estate projects in Mošnov and Nošovice (Ostrava).

Advising the MSI Group on an investment partner’s involvement in one of MSI’s key development projects in Prague.

Advising J&T Family on the acquisition of a real estate project in Prague 1.

Member of a team advising the PPF Group in restructuring O2, especially the division of O2 and establishment of CETIN and the subsequent squeeze-out of the minority shareholders.

Member of a team that advised the client on the establishment and financing of a joint holding company of Czech Media Invest and Rockaway Groups (primarily the acquisition of Euromedia and Luxor).

Member of a team that advised the ČEZ Group on corporate issues, especially in relation to setting up the rules for holding ČEZ’s general meetings.

Member of a team that advised Arete Invest and Arete Industrial funds on corporate issues.


Advoce since 2018.


  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (Mgr. - 2014, JUDr. - 2019)
  • Raboud University Nijmengen (2012/2013)


  • Czech Bar Association
Josef Kříž


  • English


  • Head Office Prague


  • KŘÍŽ J., POROD J., HORNÍK J. Zákon o realitním zprostředkování (č. 39/2020 Sb.). Komentář. [English: Real Estate Mediation Act (No. 39/2020 Coll.). Commentary] First Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2022, p. 212, ISBN: 978-80-7676-376-0
  • LASÁK, J.; DĚDIČ, J.; POKORNÁ, J.; ČÁP, Z.; DOLEŽIL T. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář. [English:Business Corporations Act. Commentary.] Second Edition. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2021. (co-atuhor: § 15 to 30, § 251 to 254, § 344 to 347, § 464 to 548). The publication was awarded as the most beneficial legal publication of the year at the 29th Annual Karlovy Vary Law Days.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. Ke vkladové povinnosti společníka kapitálové společnosti po novele zákona o obchodních korporacích. [English: Zur On the deposit obligation of a partner of a capital company after the amendment to the Commercial Corporations Act.] Jurisprudence 5/2020.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K definici smlouvy o realitním zprostředkování. [English: ZOn the definition of a contract on real estate brokerage.] Obchodní právo 6/2020.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K základním výkladovým otázkám zákona o registru smluv – soukromoprávní smlouva. [English: basic interpretative issues of the law on the register of contracts - private law contract.] Soukromé právo 11/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K významu nálezu ústavního soudu o souběhu [English: The significance of the Constitutional Court's ruling on concurrence.]  (2. Part). Soukromé právo 3/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K významu nálezu ústavního soudu o souběhu [DeutschEnglish: The significance of the Constitutional Court's ruling on concurrence.]  (1. Part).Soukromé právo 2/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. Koblovský, Petr. Ke vzájemnému poměru mezi spoludlužníky při přistoupení k dluhu. [English: The relationship between the co - debtors when entering into a debt.] Právní rozhledy 5/2017 s. 179.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K povaze smlouvy o převodu podílu. [English: The nature of the share transfer agreement.] Obchodněprávní revue 7-8/2016, s. 202.
  • DĚDIČ, J., LASÁK, J., KŘÍŽ J. a kol. Judikatura k rekodifikaci: Obchodní společnosti.  [English: Case law on recodification: Companies.] VI. Volume. 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2015.
  • LASÁK, J. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Obchodní zákoník. Srovnávací texty. [English: Business Corporations Act. Commercial Code. Comparative texts.] Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR a.s., 2013, s. 358. ISBN: 978-80-7357-346-1.
  • LASÁK, J.; POKORNÁ, J.; ČÁP, Z.; DOLEŽIL T. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář.  [English: Business Corporations Act. Commentary.] Praha: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2014, p. 1264. ISBN: 978-80-7478-537-5. (co-author with Martin Kubík: § 468 to § 437, § 492 to § 494, § 511 to § 515, § 544 to § 548).
  • DĚDIČ, J., GURIČOVÁ, J., KŘÍŽ, J., LASÁK, J., POROD J.: Zákon o státním podniku. Komentář. [English: Stateowned Enterprise Act. Commentary.] 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2018, s. 228.